RePro Finance
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Max Spend: $10,000,000
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1.6-2.3% daily 180 days

Last News of RePro Finance
Caribbean conference - getting closer to the clients - RePro Finance Nov-1-2011 05:11:00 PM
RePro Finance will start its 2012 with a conference for the largest investors on the Caribbean Islands in Dominican Republic in January.
RePro Finance¡¯s global vision of website - RePro Finance Oct-27-2011 02:16:00 AM
RePro Finance Company held a round table meeting with the leading regional representatives titled ¡°RePro Finance¡¯s global vision of the future.¡± The business event was attended by those regional representatives who head the largest regional structures from such countries as Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Indonesia, China and others.
Investor of the Month WINNER announced (October 2011) - RePro Finance Oct-25-2011 05:24:00 PM
Investor of the Month (October 2011) is announced. Our software randomly chosen Mr. Charlsvit Mordekai Osvald from Monaco (Login ID: A13824), and he has become the winner this month. He has directly received the 1000 USD to his account, our congratulations and Investor of the Month Certificate mailed to his mailing address. Thank you for participating in our program.
All investors of RePro Finance will be insured by ING - RePro Finance Oct-20-2011 02:01:00 AM
Run your investment business securely. Owing to a new partnership agreement will be made with the international insurance company ING, the work with RePro Finance company becomes more reliable and predictable.
Celebrate 500 days - RePro Finance Oct-12-2011 10:18:00 PM
Exactly 500 days ago the trader of RePro Finance Nelson Richards conducted the first stock trading operation with RePro Finance investor¡¯s assets. At that time we couldn¡¯t even imagine that in less than two years we would build a stable and profitable investment business, which would bring profits mot just for business owners but for global investors as well.
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