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Public Holidays - Dec-23-2009 07:22:00 PM
Due to public holidays in Cyprus, our offices will be closed on the 24th, 25th, 31st of December, 2009 and on the 1st of January, 2010. Pending wire transfers will be completed today and on Monday, the 28th of December. No dividends will be paid on the these days and weekly dividend payments will be adjusted to reflect the holidays. Genius Funds team wishes all our investors a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Prize Draw - Dec-22-2009 07:01:00 PM
Yesterday we held a draw among those who submitted their testimonials to Panos Christodoulou. For privacy reasons, winners will be notified by e-mail within 48 hours. The prize, $500, will be credited to winning accounts after notification.
News Update - Dec-11-2009 10:39:00 PM
At Genius we are committed to providing you with a top notch investment platform and the great service you deserve. That is why we are investing heavily in improving our products and services. I am very pleased to inform you of some of the improvements we implemented over the past week.
Web site downtime - Nov-18-2009 02:40:00 AM
On Monday, November 16, during a routine server maintenance procedure, our IT staff had encountered difficulties that were resolved later that day. As a consequence, investors had a difficulties connecting to our web site and accessing their accounts. The problem had since been resolved and similar difficulties will not be encountered in the future. Those responsible for the situation were reprimanded.
Public Holiday - Oct-26-2009 02:26:00 PM
Please note that due to a Public Holiday in Cyprus our offices will be closed all day on Wednesday, 28th of October. No dividends will be paid and our customer support department will only provide limited support by e-mail. Please note that World Bond Market Fund (WBMF) dividends which are paid on weekly basis will be adjusted to reflect the holiday. Thank you for your understanding.
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