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Slovenian Localization - Feb-3-2010 09:46:00 PM
We are happy to introduce a Slovenian version of our web portal. Clients from Slovenia will be automatically redirected to the web portal in Slovenian. Slovenian investors outside Slovenia should choose their language from the drop-down menu in the upper-right corner of the web portal.
Evidence of donation to MSF - Feb-2-2010 10:18:00 PM
Ever since we have announced our donation to MSF, we have been receiving e-mails that express doubt that the donation has actually been made. To resolve these doubts, a thank you letter has been posted on our web site at the following link.
Scheduled Maintanance - Jan-24-2010 10:06:00 AM
To improve our web service performance, the IT team had scheduled a series of updates to the server software. Access to investor accounts will not be available during these updates. The update is expecting to last approximately 2 hour, between 11:00 and 13:00 Central European Time.
Haiti Earthquake - Jan-21-2010 04:03:00 AM
We are following the tragic events in Haiti and as many of you, we could not stand still and watch the suffering caused by the earthquake. At the board meeting yesterday we have decided to donate $50,000 from our corporate profits to Medicins Sans Frontieres (, a non-profit organization working to help Haitians overcome the consequences of this tragedy. The funds were wired to the organization this morning.
Epiphany Day - Jan-6-2010 08:45:00 AM
Please note that due to a Public Holiday in Cyprus our offices will be closed all day on Wednesday 6th of January. No dividends will be paid and our customer support department will provide only limited support by e-mail. Please note that World Bond Market Fund (WBMF) dividends, which are paid on a weekly basis will be adjusted to reflect the holiday. Thank you for your understanding.
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