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Last News of StallionGold Announcement Nov-5-2012 06:11:41 AM
Dear investors and website visitors, due to the National Day of Community Service holiday celebration within the locales affecting our business operations, no profits will be credited to user accounts for the day of upcoming Monday, November 05, 2012. Promotional Materials Oct-26-2012 11:34:32 AM
Dear investors and website visitors, with this announcement we would like to take a chance and express our gratitude to all of our current members, who have chosen to participate in our highly rewarding affiliate program. Per their multiple requests and to meet the needs of our affiliates and sponsors, we have now updated program promotional materials, which can be found within user account's affiliate section. We are also reminding you that becoming our program sponsor in order to earn referral commissions based residual income, is very easy and that anyone can join.
Website in Spanish Oct-15-2012 02:00:06 PM
Dear investors and website visitors, in an effort to meet the needs of our international community of clients, it is our great pleasure to announce that the website of is now available in Spanish. To access the translated version, please use the link located at the top right corner of the site. We hope our Spanish speaking community of investors will find this addition useful. - Social Media Connections Oct-11-2012 08:07:46 AM
It is our great pleasure to announce that has now joined the social media community by establishing its official Facebook and Twitter pages. All members and website visitors can now follow all of our latest news and program developments, post and read member testimonials and feedback about our program, as well as use these portals to connect and communicate with each other.
Columbus Day Oct-4-2012 05:51:07 AM
Dear StallionGold investors and website visitors, due to the Columbus Day celebration within the locales affecting our banking business operations, no profits will be credited to user accounts for the day of upcoming Monday, October 08, 2012.
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DISCLAIMER: We do not own or promote any programs listed here. The information provided here is for your own use. Some programs, investments or any listings here may be illegal depending on your country's laws. We do not recommend you spend what you cannot afford to lose.
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