The Stoic
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Last News of The Stoic
Interim activity moratorium - The Stoic May-23-2009 04:37:00 PM
With apologies to inconveniencies to all parties concerned, we have to declare an interim activity moratorium due to the following events that have recently taken place:
Congress days off - The Stoic May-14-2009 02:19:00 AM
As you know, we have Congress meeting from 05/25 till 05/29 and several improvements are ongoing to be introduced, like withdrawals and deposits by cheques, real-time verification in personal presence, trading training and sub-licensing and so on.
Banking update - The Stoic May-9-2009 02:38:00 PM
In the last few weeks we have met the problem that our current banking and wire provider cannot establish draft technology for cheques required to improve our services and to complete our plans and promises. Hence, we have made a strategic decision to move to another banking payment provider to process our transfers in the view of deposits and withdrawals not by bank wire only but by cheque and ACH as well. At the moment the legal procedure is complete but we have to complete web-site integration for wires and these new payment methods.
Easter Egg plan stays effective - The Stoic Apr-30-2009 03:56:00 AM
Easter Egg plan stays effective for one more month ¨C till May 31-st.
Labour Day 2009 - The Stoic Apr-30-2009 03:04:00 AM
On May 01-st there is Labour Day celebrated as official Holyday in many countries and the prior day of April 30-th is of low market activity as well.
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May - June
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