Catena Finance
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Last News of Catena Finance
CATENA FINANCE: Good News! Dec-8-2013 07:10:12 AM
We have some good news for all of you!

We have decided to offer you, as a special gift for the upcoming holidays, a celebratory short term plan.

The plan offers a very special 42% after 15 days plus principal.
Yes, that means if you were to invest a $100, after precisely 15 days you can withdraw $142.

This plan is temporary and will be open for investments up to December the 22nd of 2013.

Following are some details about this special offer for you:

The plan lasts for EXACTLY 15 days, and that means, for example, if you invest on December 10th at 12:00 PM, you’ll get the profit plus principal on December 25th at 12:00 PM. At that time, the profit and principal will show on your account balance, and then you can request the payment using a payment processor.

The profit is, as we said, 42%, meaning that if you invest a $100, you’ll get $142, which is your principal plus 42% profit.

The minimum is the same as in our other plans, which is $1, and there is no maximum. We accept PerfectMoney, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay.

This plan lasts until December the 22nd, after which it will be closed for new investments, but of course all the people who invest before December the 22nd will receive their payments, as we have explained in the previous paragraphs.

Once again we would like to note that this is a special plan which is only temporary. After December the 22nd our original daily and weekly plans will, of course, continue as it always were.

Taking the upcoming holiday season and all the gift buying for your loved ones it will bring along into account, we do hope that this will make a noticeable difference for you.

Thank you for your trust.
CATENA FINANCE: Sixth Month Online Nov-26-2013 04:09:57 AM
The number of new investors is climbing at an incredible rate as we enter our sixth month online. Those who have been with us from the very beginning are already reaping superb profits, and our new arrivals and ones planning on investing in future will have a chance too, because its only the beginning!
The profit is, as you know, stable and payouts are rapid as always. The speedy growth we are experiencing has not slowed us down.

We are making good progress, and we could not achieve that without your support. We think we are very blessed to have such investors, and you are, it seems, happy with us as well.

We had quite a few challenges along the road so far, getting slammed with DDoS attacks on one side and bad PR on the other. We were blackmailed, criminals demanded money to stop attacking. Not once did we give way to those criminals, and we fought them successfully time and time again. The biggest problem where the DDoS attacks which we manage to avoid in all cases. We think we reached our goal there, making sure that you, our investors, don't feel much of that. We were forced offline a couple of times, but it never lasted more then 10 minutes so there is a chance most of you didn't even notice it. So far, we have been successful in keeping the criminals at bay.

This is, however, only the beginning, and we do not plan on stopping. You can expect many surprises and features in the near future and we think we can guarantee that you will be glad you decided to invest with us.

Thank you for your trust.

Best Regards,
Catena Finance
CATENA FINANCE: Safety Aug-15-2013 09:56:01 AM
We would like to bring the matter of safety to your attention. In the past 3 days two of our investors have contacted us requesting help in restoring their accounts. Both of our users were infected with a trojan keylogger and someone stole their passwords for all online accounts, including e-mail and ecurrencies. Only thanks to our composure, they got their Catena Finance accounts back and a potential loss was averted.

A lot of people think they are safe and that it cannot happen to them. Unfortunately, it can happen to all of us. That is the reason why we advise you to always have an antivirus program installed and to update it regularly, just as you should update your system, and, besides that, you should be very careful about what you run on your computer as well. Be careful now, rather then later, as it might be too late then.

We don't have any big news, primarily because everything is going superbly. The growth rate of our program flew over our expectations. We are working on a few new things, but I wont be releasing the details yet. Lets just say you will not be sorry to be our investors.

Thank you for your trust.
Ecurrencies Aug-12-2013 03:45:40 AM
Following the previous newsletter many of the less experienced investors wanted us to suggest which of the 3 payment processors to use.
Since that cant be answered easily, as all of them have good sides as well as bad, we decided to write short reviews about them all.

- Perfect Money is the best one as far as user privacy goes because it does not require any sort of verification - all you need to open an account is an e-mail address. In case you want to fund your account via a wire transfer directly you will need to verify your account but Perfect Money has a long list of independent exchangers on their webpage so it is not required. Another great thing is that the id of the account you use to login and the id of account you can receive money on are different which is superb as far as security goes.
Unfortunately, Perfect Money does not accept users from USA.

- SolidTrustPay is a payment processor which is registered in Canada and it respects all financial regulations in Canadian law. Verification is basically necessary and users are not anonymous. Direct deposits and withdrawals are possible by credit cards, bank transfers, cheques, etc.
A drawback for SolidTrustPay are their pretty high fees and that their technical support can be a little slow.

- EgoPay is a system which offers direct deposits and withdraws using Payza and OKPay. They also have a list of independent exchangers over which you can fund your account using different methods. In our experience, their user support is good, but the fees are pretty high.

The choice of system to use and with which method to fund depend heavily on your location and the availability of services there so no universal solution exists. We would advise you to read about all of the systems, look at their offered exchangers and pick the one most suited to you on those grounds. When working with exchangers we recommend due diligence and using only those that are listed as supported on the webpage of the system you want to fund.

That concludes our short review/explanation, if you have any questions please do contact us.
CATENA FINANCE: Monitors Jul-1-2013 04:00:22 AM
We have added a few new monitors which are watching on us and reporting about everything what's going on in our business.
In general, all listed monitors are added in order to prove that our work is transparent, as well as that we are open for critics and comments from anyone interested in Catena Finance.
DISCLAIMER: We do not own or promote any programs listed here. The information provided here is for your own use. Some programs, investments or any listings here may be illegal depending on your country's laws. We do not recommend you spend what you cannot afford to lose.
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