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Last News of Carbon7
Carbon7 - Entering the 4th Month Sep-8-2015 01:36:30 PM
A short news update about

- Powerful 3 Months:
It has been over 3 amazing months since we have lunched Carbon7's platform, and I am very happy with our financial growth rate and the general progress so far along.
I envision that with a continues efforts & dedication of Carbon7's experienced team we will manage to keep on delivering you with our quality service over the long term.

- A Long Road Ahead:
Currently we have managed to satisfy more than 30,000 members (growing exponentially) and resolve all support inquires in timely fashion and utmost professionalism.
Carbon7 team are always ready to help members and go an extra mile for you, because we believe its a very long way the top and we aim to break all positive records.

- Further Improvement:
Recently we have noticed a high demand for internal exchanges between eWallets, therefore, we have began working to add internal "semi-automatic" exchange page.
Although we are able to process every payment request without exemptions (during business hours), we are preparing additional powerful server to support our growth.

- To All Inactive Members:
I want you to know that you are welcome to join our prosperous active community and if you have any support inquiry, please contact us, we're always at your service.
Lastly, I want to take this opportunity to extend my deep appreciation for all our supporting members, and for our affiliates who are behind Carbon7 from the beginning.

Looking forward to another 3 months.

Carbon7 always at your service!

Thank you and warm wishes.
Freedom By Efficiency, LTD.
Martin C and Carbon7 Team. Grand Launch! Jun-24-2015 12:26:52 PM
With great honor and respect, today on the 1/6/15 we are pleased to announce the anticipated launch of worldwide accessible  Carbon7 digital funds platform.
Please feel free to explore our site, read about our history and the lucrative plans we have to offer, we hope you'd find our unique carbon theme to your liking.
We are here to make a change for the better, as we wish you will achieve financial success together with us, and find our services to your full satisfaction.
DISCLAIMER: We do not own or promote any programs listed here. The information provided here is for your own use. Some programs, investments or any listings here may be illegal depending on your country's laws. We do not recommend you spend what you cannot afford to lose.
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